When Children are the Country’s Future…
Seeing children working by the roadside or in hotels serving customers has become so normal to our eyes that we often forget to question why they are doing so. Not that we don’t know already, but child labour is an issue seeking immediate response. When every child is regarded as the future of a country, then why does a fair part of the young population still going through so much without getting a chance to speak?
Child labour is an issue hampering the growth of the country, as well as snatching away a child’s right to education and freedom. Intensive work, deprivation of education and food, unequal treatment and opportunities, these are few of the things no child deserves but are getting to face anyway. Legally, there are rules that have been implemented but until and unless the common people strive to keep a check, nothing will ever be successful.
Childhood should be like a paradise, a phase of a person’s life filled with colours, dreams and sunshine. Putting a stop to child labour is now in our hands. Act now. Change now.
Blog Written By: Kristi Sharma